Monday, April 9, 2012

It's Go Time!*

*Title idea from Husband. Thanks babe!

That has been our motto recently. You may remember me mentioning a few million times how we are preparing our condo to go on the market. I've been tackling little things here and there but it's time to crank it up a few notches. Husband and I are ready to get the hell outta dodge. So, it's go time!

We decided to tackle a big project and repaint the dining room. My original plan was to paint just the dining room in one weekend. But our plans changed for the better. Husband and I were having dinner with his family when we mentioned our plans to paint. His parents offered to help. Now, we didn't take them too seriously because well...there was alcohol involved. Not that his family doesn't help us out (a lot actually) but alcohol makes everyone agreeable at night and regretful the next day. Take that however you like.

Lo and behold, his parents came over the next day with brushes in hand! They had a suprise for us though. You see, my in-laws have a few rental houses and paint a lot of rooms regularly. They're pros, people. We had mentionad how we wanted to paint the office at some point as well and my in-laws said, "Why not do two rooms today?"

Two rooms knocked off of our to do list in one day? We had to take advantage. I called my mom to reschedule our shopping plans and when she heard why, she offered to help out too. Holy crap, you guys. Best. Family. Ever. I now had three extra sets of hands to paint away. We got right to work prepping our rooms.

We removed switch plates and caulked nail holes. 

For the record, I would like to state that we loved having this rich pop of color in a room. Alas, we know that is not everyone's cup of tea and we have to give this place mass appeal. Beige it is then!

We had picked out a very light tan/cream color, but with all of the natural light in this room, it looked stark white. Husband had to make a quick trip to the store and picked up the same color we have in our living room. We went with that color because Husband really likes it and I didn't feel like spending a lot of time trying to pick a color that wouldn't be in our "forever" home.

Here's the lighter color info and my fancy schmany Purdy brush that I'm in love with now. It really works great for cutting in and painting molding.

We ended up putting the lighter color in the office. That room was always too dark so, the lighter the better! I don't have any before pictures of the office because it was a last minute update. There was no time to snap pictures of the room. It was quickly prepped for painting. Here's a photo from my office light feature post, to give you an idea of the original wall color.

It was an exhausting day. My back was sore for a week after but it was so worth it to get that much done with so much wonderful help.

Our new dining room!

Husband thinks the new dining room is too neutral so I'm thinking it's time to recover the dining room chairs in a fun color or pattern. But that's at the bottom of the To Do list (waaayyyy wayyyy bottom) and I'll get to that eventually. Probably. Whatever. I agree with Husband, this room needs some color, but I'm just not concerned with it right now.

Our new office. Much brighter and better!

As many things as True is afraid of, cameras and flashes are not on that list. He's totally used to that stuff by now.

What do you think of our makeovers? Does it make you want to buy our condo? I'll give you a good price! Please?

I must say, the last random bribery post I did helped my writers block tremendously. I feel like writing so many things! I want to post everything! I guess the best way to beat writers block is to just push write your way through it.

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