Thursday, January 26, 2012

Recharge and Reset

Recharge and reset. That's what I'm doing in the picture below. After the feedback from friends and some awesome readers about my last post, I realized I needed to give myself a break. Sometimes, I just expect way too much from myself. I run myself ragged trying to accomplish these self-imposed lofty goals. I'm working on that.

Step One to recovery.
I met with a friend at Barnes & Noble in the middle of the week. We got some coffee and chatted for a bit about this and that. Then, we each grabbed a stack of books and magazines and settled in to those big, comfy chairs in the cafe. I had nothing but shelter mags and home decorating books. Narrow focus much? It was absolute heaven. I was able to zone out and relax for a few hours.

I picked up the infamous Domino book and OMG. It. Is. Awesome. I actually bought it because it was so inspiring.

Have you taken some time to recharge and reset? I highly recommend it!

PS - Yesterday was Husband's birthday! Everyone say Happy Birthday!

Still haven't aged a bit.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to the "Hubby"!!..Did we have cake or cupcakes?? What type of cake are you?? ;)

    1. We had tiramasu actually! I'll eat almost any kind of cake or cupcake though.
